Thursday, July 5, 2012


Does anyone check this anymore?? Seeing as I am an AVID blogger on the blogosphere, meaning I keep a poorly-attended to blog on Paris for my university, I come across our forlorn and forgetton blog frequently. Thus, I am going to write an update on ma vie. Je suis à paris! Does anyone out there speak french? I just finished a year abroad in paris and am doing an internship at the french senate (dont be too impressed, theres lots of sitting around and wearing of pant suits) until the end of July. I'm in the US/Boston and NH if anyone else is planning on being around there (cough jon and nick cough) for august. Then i'm off to the great and smoky state of Colorado for senior year.

So, those are life updates. Now here are some cooler ones. My hair is super long, not like in india when i had my little boy bob. Sometimes when i get drunk I speak in Hindi to people but all I can remember is "apka nam kya hai" so thats about as far as I get. I really want to plan a three month long trek through India and south east asia. I'm thinking about applying for a year long fellowship in india, but I would kind of prefer to do one in the Middle East, as much as i miss India. (I'm an IR major, in case I didn't mention that, it sort of makes sense of all of these political stuff). My family moved out of our house in Boston and I had to sort through all of my india clothes and only keep a select few! Remember back when we (or maybe it was just me) thought that I was going to wear them all of the time?? Sometimes I still explain the no-toilet-paper aspect of the India trip to people just to see them freak out (and people REALLY freak out! it amazes me). Everytime I eat indian food anywhere I spend the whole meal telling stories about india and demonstrating the right-hand-only eating technique, to the misery of my company who didn't know what they were getting into. Aaaand I believe that that's all I can think of!

OH MARGIE just messaged me that she is in london so we are maybe going to see each other!!! Yay!! Open invite everyone come to paris and crash on my apt floor. india reunion, international style. we can make a big ol' indian style dinner!!

lots of love to everyone, i'd love to hear updates from more people about what they're all doing!

GROS BISOUS ("big kiss" in french)

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